Monday, April 14, 2014

Know More about Microsoft SAM

Software asset management or SAM is the first step towards maintaining a good record of all the software and the licence available with a company. With so much software licences being purchased every day, it becomes mandatory to keep a tab of all those licences and the necessary compliances.

Why do we need SAM?

There are innumerable software licences purchased by an organisation. And, all these software has their licence compliances and maintenance procedures.  Maintaining a simple spread sheet data of all the licences with their date of installation, procedure of maintenance or licence completion date will not be feasible anymore, with quite a huge data to store and also the time spent on doing the whole process.

SAM or the software asset management technique helps in doing the same, but with the advanced techniques to aid in a much faster and efficient storage and maintenance system. And, implementing it takes a few simple steps of taking stock of the whole inventory and organising it efficiently.

Benefits of SAM

With a professional help to implement the software asset management, the whole process can be completed and a maintenance strategy put in place very easily. Doing this will ensure that your organisation gets benefitted in the following aspects:

1.      SAM can help in optimising all software licences and keeping track of purchase, installation, maintenance and removal of software licences. The strategies employed by SAM can keep track of all these important aspects related to existing software.
2.      Reducing the cost of any extra and unwanted software purchase.
3.      Taking care of all software compliance policies.
4.      Annual and lifelong maintenance of all software processes.
5.      Implementing Software asset management can help in saving a lot of time and money.
6.      Reduce redundancy and get more out of your existing software.

Implementation of SAM is essential in today’s competitive business world. It can ease your business process and help you with annual audits. Pick out a good software consultancy services which can help you in the successful implementation of Software asset management techniques.

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